The purpose of the Code of Ethics of the Maryland Investigators and Security Association, Inc. (MISA) is to provide, in conjunction with the Private Detective and Security Guard Laws of Maryland, an enforceable, self-governing structure that will promote and protect the best interests of the profession and the general public from illegal or unethical behavior by its members or their agents.
ARTICLE 1. Members shall keep informed on matters (law, proposed legislation, public policies and techniques) affecting their profession at the local, state and federal levels, so as to be able to offer an informed opinion to the public on such matters and advise their clients properly in their area of expertise.
ARTICLE 2. MISA members will promote programs with educational intent designed to raise standards, improve efficiency, and increase effectiveness of the private investigation and security professions.
ARTICLE 3. Members shall not be party to any practices that are damaging to the good of the public or their profession. They shall not engage in illegal or unethical practices as defined under the statutes and legal precedents in their respective jurisdiction. They should assist the regulating agency(ies) charged with monitoring the professions/industries.
ARTICLE 4. No member shall seek any unfair trade advantage as deemed improper and/or illegal by state or federal laws or regulations.
ARTICLE 5. In accepting employment as an agent, the member pledges to protect and promote the interest of their clients, including, but not limited to, privacy and confidentiality. This obligation of fidelity to the client’s interest is primary, but it does not relieve the member of the obligation to determine the true facts and render honest, unbiased reports.
ARTICLE 6. Members shall avoid accepting cases or contracts in which a conflict of interest is readily apparent.
ARTICLE 7. Members shall not misrepresent or exaggerate their services to their clients. The client shall receive a factual report or summary of the services provided by the member.
ARTICLE 8. Members shall not publicly disparage the business practice of a competitor nor volunteer an opinion of a competitor’s practice unless their opinion is sought. If the member deems it appropriate to respond, such opinion shall be rendered with strict professional integrity and courtesy.
ARTICLE 9. Members will, at all times, perform their services within the bounds of the law and will not permit, nor demand of any employee nor fellow member, any violation of the law.
ARTICLE 10. Members shall render only those services that the member is competent and qualified to perform. They shall not undertake to provide specialized professional services concerning a type of service that is outside their field of competence unless they engage the assistance of one who is competent on such types of service.
ARTICLE 11. When marketing services or products, the member’s advertising should be factually accurate and shall avoid exaggerated claims as to costs or results.
ARTICLE 12. Members will counsel their clients against any illegal or unethical courses of action.
ARTICLE 13. Members shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, sexual preference or national origin nor shall they be party to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or person on basis of the above