Current MISA Legislation
SB 299
SB 299 is a bill originated by MISA in cooperation with Maryland Senator Mary Beth Corrsa (Wicomico). This bill eliminates the requirement of security guards who are already licensed by the Maryland State Police to have to undergo another background check by the Maryland Cannabis Commission (MCA).
A copy of this bill can be found here for review.
A video of the initial bill introduction can be found here.
SB 455
A new bill is being drafted now originated by MISA, although a bill number has not been assigned yet. The bill is being sponsored by Senetor McKay (Maryland) and potentially co-sponsored by Senator West and Senetor Folden upon review of the language. The bill will address the issue of Special Police being able to work directly for a security guard agency, which will be able to assign them to client properties, instead of special police officers only being able to work directly for the property itself (which is the current law).
A copy of this bill can be found here for review.
A judiciary proceedings hearing was conducted yesterday on our MISA bill SB 0455. This is the bill to allow security agencies to employ special police officers in order to assign them to client properties. It appeared to go well with no opposition. Evan Avnet was on hand as a testifying witness to this bill as the President of MISA.
The bill link is: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2025RS/bills/sb/sb0455f.pdf
The video link to the hearing is here (starting at about 1:31 into the video):
The fiscal and policy note study is also available: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2025RS/fnotes/bil_0005/sb0455.pdf